How Has New Hampshire’s Political Geography Shifted Since 2000?

New Hampshire used to be a heavily Republican state. For over a century, Republicans were clearly the majority party in New Hampshire, and Democratic wins, though they happened occasionally, were clearly the exception to the rule. During that time, New Hampshire produced such notable Republicans as Styles Bridges, Norris Cotton, Warren Rudman, and the (still … More How Has New Hampshire’s Political Geography Shifted Since 2000?

New Hampshire Maps

[Updated February 2019] The politics and political geography of New Hampshire have always fascinated me, since New Hampshire is not just the only swing state in New England, but it also home to the first-in-the-nation presidential primary every four years. This gives New Hampshire a level of nationwide importance mostly unmatched by other similarly-sized states. … More New Hampshire Maps

Benchmarks for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders for the 2016 New Hampshire Democratic Primary

The 2016 Democratic presidential primary has settled into a two-way race between former First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. The first state to hold its primary will be, as usual, New Hampshire, where polls have shown a close race between the two. Hillary’s advantage is that … More Benchmarks for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders for the 2016 New Hampshire Democratic Primary

Maps and Analysis of the 2014 Gubernatorial and Senatorial Elections in New Hampshire

Despite the Republican wave, both Governor Maggie Hassan and U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen won narrow re-elections in 2014 in New Hampshire. Both of their 2014 wins were slightly narrower than their previous elections; Shaheen won by 3 percentage points in 2014 while she had won by 7 in 2008, and Hassan won by 5 percentage … More Maps and Analysis of the 2014 Gubernatorial and Senatorial Elections in New Hampshire