How “Electable” is Amy Klobuchar, anyway?

Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Senator from Minnesota and Democratic candidate for President of the United States, has made her perceived “electability” as part of her argument for why she should become the Democratic nominee for the latter office, attempting to appeal to Democrats who consider defeating Donald Trump to be the most important aspect of the … More How “Electable” is Amy Klobuchar, anyway?

Miscellaneous Maps from Summer and Early Fall 2018

Due to an extremely busy summer, I haven’t been able to write any articles for a while. But I’ve still been making maps, so I wanted to give a rundown of the maps that I’ve made during the summer and early fall. Connecticut Connecticut’s primary was August 14. The important nominations that were decided were … More Miscellaneous Maps from Summer and Early Fall 2018

Maine 2018 Primary Analysis and Maps: Are there signs of the “Blue Wave” coming to Maine?

On June 12, 2018, Maine held primary elections to determine the Democratic and Republican nominees for Governor, the Democratic nominee for Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, and nominees for several state legislative districts. These were the first elections to be held under ranked-choice voting (RCV) since it had been approved in a referendum in 2016 (more … More Maine 2018 Primary Analysis and Maps: Are there signs of the “Blue Wave” coming to Maine?

My Proposal for how Pennsylvania should Redraw its Congressional Districts

In late January, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the state’s Republican-drawn congressional district map violated the state constitution’s guarantee of free and equal elections. That map, which was brutally gerrymandered, consistently sent a congressional delegation of 13 Republicans and 5 Democrats to Washington despite Pennsylvania generally being a fairly evenly divided state politically. The … More My Proposal for how Pennsylvania should Redraw its Congressional Districts

Analysis of PA-18: Does Conor Lamb have a path to victory in the special election?

Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District will host a special election on March 13, 2018 after its previous incumbent, Republican Tim Murphy, resigned due to a sex scandal. The candidates in this special election are Republican Rick Saccone, a state representative, and Democrat Conor Lamb, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney. A Libertarian candidate is also in the … More Analysis of PA-18: Does Conor Lamb have a path to victory in the special election?